Category: WoW

  • Cross Realm Mythic!!!

    Yay!!!! Taloc! 2 new mechanics! They seemed simple enough. On the first pull, we get him to sub ~25%. What could go wrong? 6 wipes later, THEN he dies. -_- People did not understand the stacking-on-the-tank mechanic. It’s so bloody simple, but apparently it’s really hard for people to do. I ended up soloing…

  • Sunday Glory of the Uldir Raider

    blehhh Zek’Voz is easy enough, so long as someone has the puzzle box. Thank you Yoshiwara! Very cool! Zul was a tad tougher, as it required 7 attempts. We saved lust for phase 2. It is essential that you move Dark Revelation away from the raid so that you don’t get insta-feared into the middle.…

  • Tuesday Glory of the Uldir Raider

    The first achievement was all Vellithice. Literally solo’d every orb under the elevator. That was easy. The 2nd achievement we just guessed, and it seemed simple enough. We had Vellithice walk into the 3rd room, press the button and solo the add. Ez. The 3rd achievement… Not ez. In a 10 person raid, 9 people…

  • Farming Heroic Uldir

    Downed the first 5 easy. Wiped on Zek’voz due to some silly mistakes, but it was fine on the 3rd pull. Zul gave us trouble, but we didn’t have much time and that’s my fault. I was late because of road work on my way home -_- For Zul, we definitely need more priests,…


    We did it. The group tonight was stellar. The 2nd attempt the runners were so fast that we only got 1 blood feast. Our runners were a Warrior, DH (Tank), Warrior, DH (DPS), Monk (DPS1), Monk (DPS2). They were so fast. So fast! We had to end up waiting for the 2nd blood feast…

  • 7/8H

    We are at G’huun! Today we managed to once again clear Zul. We stacked a whole bunch of rogues, but I think only 1 was Sub. Regardless, it worked out. The real hero of this fight was Goula, getting 50% of the Minion of Zul dispells. Thank you Goula, very cool. It was not…

  • Long overdue Update – Oct 9th

    Long story short, I missed a Sunday raid due to a personal emergency but the Raid downed Heroic Zul. I’m counting it. We are 6/8H. Then we missed last week’s Sunday raid due to being Canadian and having Canadian Thanksgiving. So here we are again at Zul. We cleared everything with basically no problems except…

  • Uldir 5/8H – September 25th 2018

    BigPingers crushed it tonight. Or, rather, the PUGs we got were stellar in comparison to what I usually get. The key difference was that Spills assembled the raid, not me. We 1-shot Fetid, and 2-shot Vectis and Zek’voz. The fights really do not differ much from the normal encounter, so we had the mechanics down…

  • 2/8H- 18th of Sept & 23rd

    This post is late. First I’d like to thank everyone for coming guildies & PUGS. Tuesday Bigpingers is now 2/8H. We downed both bosses on our Tuesday raid this week. I was surprised by how many attempts it took for us to do Taloc. People kept taking too much damage from mechanics. I will…

  • Uldir – 8/8N

    We are now 8/8N(Logs). Thanks to Yoshiwara,Spills and Vellithice. And of course thanks to the PUG’s that came with us.   Mythrax went down in 2 pulls today. We had pulls on Tuesday too that didn’t go so well. I am not sure why but today it all just clicked and we downed it very…