Author: Tuffmar

  • Random Ramblings

    Played a lot of WoW this weekend. Explored all the areas for the Meta achievement. Turns out it was worth the time because when you start doing mythics you actually have to go to the dungeon. Be sure to grab the flight points! Started doing mythics on Sunday. They all went really well except for…

  • Fresh 120 – Do Dungeons

    If you get to 120, you wil have 3 emissary quests. You might think “Oh I should do them right away” and get that squared off. My advice, don’t. Go spam some normal dungeons and bring your item level up. At 120 with a low gear level you will get smacked around by white mobs.…

  • 120

    Got 120 earlier today. Took just over 13 hours by my count. I had a 10 hour timer today set in google, and stopped it at 12 minutes and 40 seconds. Special mention that Yoshiwara and Spills in the guild were the first to 120. Some thoughts on the consumables: MVP: Gunshoes (Used all of…


    It’s terrible and filled with way too much trash. I was bugged in the dungeon and was always in combat. Group stealth didn’t work on me or the healer.   Only upside is that an engineer can mine some of the mobs present there.

  • Inital BFA Review

    I like it. The Zandalari city is awesome. Only had 1 real bug so far: I am level 113 at around 3 hours in. MVP so far has been Gunshoes, any distance over 300 yards is covered by them nicely. They also work with goblin gliders. I do not like that I had to…

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