Author: Tuffmar

  • Endless Space 2

    Not as good as Endless Legend. Still very good, always fun to play as Horatio.

  • Slay the Spire

    Way too addicting.

  • Hades

    Much better than Pyre. Incomplete of course but very fun. Great art

  • 2010-2019 Game of the Decade

    Path of Exile

  • 2019 GoTY

    Risk of Rain 2 So good!

  • TFT – Patch 9.24

    Senna + Lucian = Win Guardian Angel is a requirement on Senna. It is MANDATORY for this build. I believe it is optimal to start the carousal with a Chainmail or a B.F Sword. I try for BF over chainmail. Senna Guardian Angel Morellonomicon Other defensive item (Zephyr, Warmogs, Thornmail, Frozen Gauntlet, Trap Claw etc…)…

  • TFT – Set 2

    Lots of fun. I have been spamming Woodland + Stuff. It seems like a top 4 comp that is pretty easy to force every game. I went 3rd,4th,4th,4th,7th in placements. The last placement match I tried to change things up. It didn’t work out so great. In fact I could of been 5th at least…

  • WoW Classic – Early Thoughts

    WoW Classic is a lot of fun. I have 5 days 15 hours 8 minutes 16 seconds playtime on my level 36 Troll Warrior. I cannot explain why this game is fun. It has clunky systems like Ammo taking up bag space, having to equip your fishing rod, buying skills, grinding weapon skills etc… It…

  • WoW Classic

  • Oxygen Not Included

    It’s great. I played the early access and had a blast putting about 70 hours into it. It has now launched from early access and they have added a lot. It’s great to see. My only gripe is they have not fleshed out the in-game encyclopedia and you will often find yourself Googling what you…