2/8H- 18th of Sept & 23rd

This post is late. First I’d like to thank everyone for coming guildies & PUGS.


Bigpingers is now 2/8H. We downed both bosses on our Tuesday raid this week. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/T4w8NvYbfz273rh9

I was surprised by how many attempts it took for us to do Taloc. People kept taking too much damage from mechanics. I will have to remind people to be far away from the Cudgel when it lands, as its damage is based on distance. I hope this coming week we do Taloc much faster.

Heroic Mother. Once again it was easier to just kill her in room 2. I was not suprised by the amount of attempts it took us to figure this fight out.  I just assumed this would take us longer as we figured out groups and tried to get to room 3. Finally, however, we got frustrated and figured out that we can just burn her in room 2 like we always do. I think our next kill will be much faster as we now know this. For other tanks reading this, always try to position Sanitizing Strike away from the raid. Of course, this is much easier said than done when all of the mechanics come into play.

Heroic Fetid. After 2 hours of Taloc and Mother we made it to Fetid. I wanted to go back to normal but the majority of the vote (everyone but me) wanted to continue in Heroic. Let’s just say he hits very hard. Spills’ strategy for Fetid seems solid and I am glad he had it ready for when we got here, as I was not prepared at all for this. I do think we can do this next week but I will definitely have to change Azerite traits and swap to tanking trinkets.



Before the raid, I changed all of my talents/azerite traits and trinkets to DPS. I think it worked out quite well. Bloodmallet’s sims seem to match reality quite well.

Thunderous Blast and Filthy Transfusion both added 4% to my DPS (+8% total) which is really impressive for just picking the right trait. However, I was disappointed in the Kul Tiran Cannonball Runner which only added about 2%. I still have a long way to go with my UI; I still think I miss some Keg smashes and could weave more Tiger Palms into the rotation.

Enough about that. Let’s talk about the raid. It was going really, really well. I got a lot of loot. Gloves, legs and a cloak.

Then Zul happened. We had 5 wipes on Zul before finally killing him. We had a lot of trouble on the Minions of Zul (only had Blood Elves), with covering the distance between Hex priests (lots of melee and no DK) and finally myself and Vellithice losing line of sight on the healers in phase 2. I will have to ask the healers to stand in the middle of the platform for Zul next time.

If Zul was bad, Mythrax seemed impossible. We had 9 wipes and did not down him this week. It seemed like our DPS and the healing was really low. Too many people were getting in orbs, taking too long to get out of orbs, and just standing in the giant OBLITERATION BEAM. Maybe people were tired or the last people we PUG’d needed to learn the fight, but the last 30 minutes of the raid were not fun.



On the future of Bigpingers.  There is more support to push through heroic content and see mythic content than I anticipated. I hope we can get there on our limited time budget. I will have to really start looking for about 13 more people to see to that.