WoW Classic – Early Thoughts

WoW Classic is a lot of fun.

I have 5 days 15 hours 8 minutes 16 seconds playtime on my level 36 Troll Warrior.

I cannot explain why this game is fun. It has clunky systems like Ammo taking up bag space, having to equip your fishing rod, buying skills, grinding weapon skills etc… It all adds charm to a game. The first time you realize you have to walk to Ragefire Chasm or Deadmines. You won’t get a summon as even the meeting stones outside won’t let you summon.

I can’t tell if its nostalgia or if it is geniunely good. I believe it is the latter as million’s of subscribers did 15 years ago.

EDIT: I just saw a Warlock using Eye of Kilrogg to look for fishing pools. You just don’t get that in retail.

