Cross Realm Mythic!!!



2 new mechanics! They seemed simple enough.

On the first pull, we get him to sub ~25%. What could go wrong?

6 wipes later, THEN he dies. -_-

People did not understand the stacking-on-the-tank mechanic. It’s so bloody simple, but apparently it’s really hard for people to do. I ended up soloing 2 with Dampen Harm and Fortifying Brew. Vellithice also had to solo 1 with the Last Resort talent that demon hunters have. Shout out to Fellstrike and Rustyoyo, the only 2 people to do it both times correctly. It was also a huge carry on our part, as the DPS was incredibly low for mythic raiding.

We spent so much time forming the raid and having 1 person leave after every attempt that we only got 3 attempts at MOTHER–if you can call them attempts. I wanted to do the cheese strat of sending 15 people over really quickly. We did not get very far. All I want is for every defensive CD to be used…is that so hard???

Also twice now we have skipped the trash before MOTHER only to have some brain-dead person click the button. I am going to start kicking people who press it!